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Is Organic Whey Protein Healthier?
With all the different descriptors that can tacked on to whey and other supplements, it's easy to just sort of overlook some of the claims decorating food labels. But, is it really a good idea to overlook all of them? What about organic whey protein? Is it any healthier than the standard varieties?
Think About the Source
All whey comes from milk – typically cow’s, but goat's milk is also sometimes used. In reality, the classic white substance, is actually made up of two key portions: one liquid and the other solid.
When milk is curdled, which can happen when heat or other agents are applied, these portions separate. The solid curds float to the top and are taken away to become cheese, casein or any number of other products. Left behind is the liquid whey concentrate, which is then powdered and packaged.
But why does any of this matter?
Because it illustrates the close connection between the life and health of the cow and the whey protein that you purchase. If the animal is mistreated or exposed to any potentially harmful substances, these conditions can impact the milk and – by extension – the whey.
Organic and “Traditional” Farming
So, what are some of the differences between the life of an “organic cow” and its counterparts raised on a standard farm?
The most noticeable distinction – which directly impacts may facets of its life – has to do with where and how the cow is fed. On most farms, the animals are put into a feed-lot – a small space where their food intake is directly controlled. Here, they are generally given grain-based foods that have been treated with a variety of pesticides and fertilizers during their growth and cultivation. The food may also contain substances designed to influence the health and growth of the cows. Often, these foods are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).
Corralling the animals into the feed-lot also allows the farmer to treat them regularly with hormones to speed up their growth and improve milk production, as well as antibiotics to prevent infection.
Organic farms, however, operate in a very different way. The cows are allowed to graze in a pasture, typically eating grass – their natural preference. Because they move around more, the animals are generally healthier. Organic farming also requires that the cows are not treated with hormones or antibiotics. Even further, they cannot be exposed to GMOs or chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
How This Affects the Whey
Organic whey protein, then, is free from any connection with potentially harmful substances of any kind. This allows you to take it without any concern for what may be contained in it besides the actual whey.
But What About Naked Whey?
While Naked Whey is not certified organic, our cows are treated the same way as cows that produce organic milk. They are kept on pasture for the vast majority of the year and graze when the weather allows. They are never put in feed lots or treated with growth hormones. The only difference is the certification which would involve a lot of time and expense on the behalf of our farmers, and this cost would be passed onto our customers. Surprisingly, it would almost double the cost of the product. That’s why Naked Whey is not certified organic currently, but if conditions change, we will absolutely pursue it.
Read More:
Grass-fed Whey Protein Advantages
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Grass-Fed Whey
7 Essentials to Look For In Your Whey Protein Powder