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Top Eco-Friendly Protein Sources
For a long time, people decided what foods they would eat or avoid based on very personal factors – things like flavor, diet preferences, and allergies. Increasingly, however, this is changing. Thanks to a greater understanding of food manufacturing processes and ecology, many people are starting to consider the environmental impact of their foods.
This is particularly pronounced when it comes to protein, which is a fairly expensive macronutrient. To help you make informed decisions, here are the top eco-friendly protein sources for you to choose from.
1) Whey – Taken from the liquid portion of milk, whey is a fast-digesting complete protein that is easily put to use in your body. Something interesting to those who are concerned about the ecological impact of their foods is the fact that whey is actually a cheese-byproduct. When milk is curdled to make cheese, the solids are separated from the liquid whey. Using whey as a protein supplement, then, is a making wise use of something that is traditionally considered a waste product. When selecting a whey supplement, it's important to pick on that is sourced from responsibly-run farms – like those provided by Naked Nutrition.
2) Casein – Made from the solid portion of milk, casein is actually the portion that would usually become cheese. In that way, casein actually demands a little more than whey. Still, casein is a powerful nutritional tool. Like whey, however, chose your casein carefully. Stick with a product like Naked Casein that use only grass-fed, organic milk. Unlike traditional, feed-lot farms, grass-fed operations have greatly reduced impact on the environment.
3) Milk – It stands to reasons, if both whey and casein as so great, that milk would be a good choice too. And it is. Just remember that milk contains more than just the protein found in whey and casein. It also carries a significant amount of fat and carbohydrates – and therefore more total calories. Milk, however can still be very effective at supporting your nutritional goals. To be sure that you're making an ecologically sound decision, though, use the same principles in selecting milk that you would when considering a casein or whey supplement. Namely, stick with grass-fed, organic products.
4) Peas – Although they aren't well-known as a protein source, peas are actually packed with useful proteins. Plus, and perhaps more importantly, peas are ecologically very cheap to grow. Peas and other legumes don't require fertilizers to grow, allowing farmers to produce large crops while making a minimal impact on the environment. While the standard vegetable itself will deliver some protein, to really get the most out of it, you should opt for a pea-based protein powder like Naked Pea.
5) Fish – Of course, fish isn't the kind of thing you're going to find in a powder or other supplement. But you can eat it. And, we've been hearing for a very long time that we should all be eating more fish. An excellent source of protein, fish is also full of useful micronutrients and health omega-3 fatty acids. To make the best ecological decision, stick with wild-caught, rather than farm-raised fish. Naked Fish Oil is made exclusively from wild, line-caught fish.
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