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What is Cold Processed Grass Fed Whey?
Whey protein is very seldom just whey protein anymore. Most of the time, when you glance over the tubs stacked up at the store, tons of different phrases decorate the labels – all claiming superiority.
Two phrases that you might have seen – including on the products offered by Naked Nutrition – are “cold processed” and “grass fed.” Why do these terms matter? What exactly is cold-processed grass fed whey?
Cold Processed
Sometimes called “cold pressed,” this type of whey has never been exposed to high temperatures.
Typically, whey protein starts its life as milk that has been exposed to heat or other curdling agents. This heat separates the liquid whey from the solid casein and allows these portions to be used individually.
The heat required for this process, though, is relatively minor and does not cause any major damage to the nutrients that naturally occur in whey. However, all dairy products sold in the United States must be pasteurized – a process that requires exposing the product to heat.
In an effort to save money and reduce the chance of any contamination, most companies decide to pasteurize at over 200 degrees when the FDA minimum is only 160.
So, what's the difference between 160 and 200 degrees? A lot, actually. That temperature difference denatures many of the amino acids that make whey so valuable – making them less bioavailable. But, that's not all.
Whey contains a lot more than just protein; There are many other potent nutrients in that tub, substances that can improve your blood pressure, immune health and cognitive function. Keeping all of these substances intact, then, can substantially improve your overall health.
Grass-fed Whey
One might assume that all cows eat grass but, unfortunately, this is seldom still the case. In most situations, cows raised on commercial farms are fed a diet that mostly consists of corn and other grains. Often, these grains are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) that have been treated with fertilizers, pesticides and various chemicals intended to influence the health and growth of the cows.
Grass-fed cows, however, are allowed to feed in pastures on grass – their natural food. As a result, they are not exposed to GMOs or any of the other potentially harmful substances that feed-lot cows are subjected to.
But how does this affect the whey produced by these cows? Both meat and dairy sourced from grass-fed cows has a significantly different nutritional profile than that take from feed-lot animals.
Specifically, products taken from feed-lot cows are higher in saturated fats. Grass-fed products, though, have less saturated fats and more healthy omega-3 and conjugated linoleic fatty acids (CLAs).
Omega-3s, somewhat famously at this point, have a huge number of potential health benefits including improved cardiovascular health, reduced inflammation, improved mood and increased brain function.
At the same time, CLAs have been shown to assist in supporting cardiovascular health while also improving body composition.
Naked Whey is pasteurized at 163 degrees for 17 seconds and contains high amounts of CLAs and Omega 3s. That’s why we have no problem selling nothing but whey.
Read More:
Clean Eating: Why You Should Consider Grass Fed Whey Protein
Should You Take Whey Protein Before or After a Workout?
Three Great-Tasting Whey Protein Recipes